![]() Hi! How are you? Welcome to my blog! It's been a while since I introduced myself, so I thought I'd take a moment to do so. I'm Ashley Maltz, MD. I'm a Board-Certified Internal and Integrative Medicine Physician practicing in Austin, Texas. Although I was trained as an allopathic physician (MD), I specialize in holistic (meaning whole-person) and natural care of individuals aged 16 & up. I believe that the body has the ability to heal itself when given the right building blocks --> proper nutrients, beliefs, emotions, movement, etc., but I also have allopathic medical tools at my disposal (aka, medications!) for when they are needed. Unfortunately, it is not so easy to provide the body with all it needs for optimal functioning in the current world we live in. We are unfortunately inundated with toxins like sugar, heavy metals, pollutants and chemicals from things like plastics. But, do not fret! I do not believe we have to live underground or off the grid to live happy, healthy lives. And I'm here to help be an example of this. I'm also here to guide you in your pursuit of health and plan to share moments of inspiration and knowledge here and on my social media pages regularly. You can read more about me in the About section of my website. Please reach out should you want more information about how I practice or just to say hi! I love to connect! Best wishes, Dr. M
Let’s talk about my most favorite mineral on the —> MAGNESIUM! . Magnesium is an elemental mineral found in the earth that, when absorbed in to the body at high enough doses, helps the body with: - Energy/ATP production - we NEED magnesium in the Krebs cycle to create these powerful nuggets of energy that we LIVE ON! . - Calming of the mind due to its relaxation effects. - Muscle relaxation —> adios muscle tension and pain! . - Improved digestion (depending on the form chosen) If you’re like me, you may be asking yourself how to get magnesium naturally and why am I not getting enough through my diet❓ There are MANY reasons for the lack of magnesium in our diets (mostly depletion of our soil from over farming) along with a ton of food-based sources of Magnesium, such as: . - spinach and leafy greens (the darker, the better) and seeds (not so much in peanuts, but they don’t have emojis for tree nuts) - beans and veggies not listed above and many more! That all being said, I highly recommend having a high-quality magnesium supplement on hand if you’re suffering from #chronicpain, #anxiety, #insomnia, #depression, etc. . At least 500 mg per day of magnesium glycinate, chelate or aspartame are best for absorption in to the body. Most people actually need more for therapeutic benefit. . If you’re on the constipated side, you can take mag citrate or hydroxide (milk of magnesia) to help with the bowels, but be aware that this likely won’t help with the above mentioned issues. Another FAB way to get magnesium is taking a nice long Epsom salt regularly (think 3-4 times per week or daily if you live with #chronicpain). Add some lavender essential oil or calming music and instant relaxation for body, mind, spirit! How do you use magnesium in your life??? Happy Healthy Day! #IntegrativeMedicine #FoodasMedicine #magnesium #element #chronicpain #depression #anxiety #insomnia #itselementarymydearwatson #functionalmedicine image source: http://www.scienceimage.csiro.au/image/2893 Happy New Year!
While I'm not a big fan of New Year's Resolutions as I believe they set us up for failure, the New Year is a time ripe with intentions to renew the body, the mind and the spirit... That's why I'm happy to announce West Holistic Medicine's new payment plan options! They are good for the combined package of 1 Annual Physical or Integrative Medicine Consultation Exam (up to 75 minutes) and a Follow-up visit (up to 30 minutes). Here are the details: 1. New Patients: $500 total ($350 annual exam + $150 30-minute follow-up) or $84 per month x 6 months2. Established Patients: $400 total (discounted annual exam $250 + $150 30-minute follow-up) or $66 per month x 6 months OR 3. Take $75 off the cost of a New Patient exam and Follow-Up when you pay upfront ($425)! (Offers cannot be combined). 4) I'm also offering a FREE Medical Acupuncture session or Trigger Point Injection session ($110 value) when you purchase 5 sessions - That's 6 sessions for the price of 5! ($110 x 5 = $550 total, divide by 6 session = $91.67 per session) Be aware that payment plans are NOT a membership plan. You are responsible for any extra visits or services outside of the specified visits covered in the packages above, including virtual visits**, lengthy telephone calls and/or secure messaging**. After an indulgent holiday season, it is time to invest in your health! Wishing you a life of optimal wellness, joy and prosperity, Ashley Maltz, MD **To be determined on a case-by-case basis. |
AuthorDr. Maltz earned a Medical Degree and Master in Public Health from the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston, TX. She completed a combined Internal and Preventive Medicine Residency at UTMB in June, 2011. She then completed a 2-year Integrative Medicine Fellowship at Stamford Hospital in Stamford, CT, during which she simultaneously underwent an intensive 1000-hour curriculum created by The University of Arizona Integrative Medicine Program founded by Dr. Andrew Weil. Archives
October 2020