The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.
Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food.
-- Hippocrates, the father of Western Medicine
Integrative Medicine is an all-encompassing, holistic approach to
patients and their health. It seeks to combine the best approaches
from both Eastern and Western medicine, including, but not
limited to, meditation, nutrition, spirituality, herbal and
vitamin supplements, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM),
Ayurveda, Native American and other traditional healing modalities.
In doing so, Integrative Medicine aims to treat the whole person and not
just a person's disease.
Integrative Medicine is the future of medical care in the United States
and and is lauded as an effective way to curb healthcare costs.
Click here to read a systematic review (an analysis of numerous research
papers on a common topic) of cost-effectiveness of Integrative Medicine
by the Institute of Medicine.
Please see and for more information.
DISCLAIMER: The content of this website does not serve as medical advice nor does it substitute for a thorough medical evaluation by a qualified health care practitioner. It also does not represent the opinions of any of the medical institutions or practitioners mentioned. Consult a physician or local health care provider before changing any medications, diet or exercise regimen.